On December 12, 1996, on the Greek television show Zougla, hosted by journalist Makis Triantafyllopoulos, one of the most famous Greek singers of the 1960's and 1970's was a guest, Stamatis Kokotas. The program had to do with miracles, and the singer, who considered himself a skeptic unless he saw something with his own eyes, testified regarding a miracle he witnessed when he met Saint Eumenios Saridakis.
The singer was at the Hospital for Infectious Diseases in North Attica, where Saint Eumenios lived and served as a priest at the time, in order to visit someone he knew in the hospital. As he was walking by the rooms, he recalls seeing a priest with another patient. As he was walking and talking with someone, he suddenly heard a commotion coming from another room, where he went to find that people were crying. When he asked what had happened, he was informed that a girl who was a patient was near death and would not survive the night.