Friday, July 19, 2024

The Final Days of the Iconic Fashion Designer Billy Bo

Billy Bo (Vasilis Kourkoumelis) was a famous fashion designer in Greece in the 1980's, and the first well-known casualty of AIDS in Greece, passing away on the 13th of June 1987 at the age of 33. He catapulted to fame at a very young age, becoming the go-to fashion designer of the elite, and was referred to in the Greek press as an Adonis or Apollo due to his beauty. He was headquartered in Kolonaki with a couture salon and a network of boutiques all over Greece, including one in Mykonos attracting ultra-famous visitors from throughout the world. Before his death he even managed to open a boutique in Manhattan, with plans of opening dozens more throughout the United States.

What is not really known however is what happened to Billy Bo in his final days, faced with the prospects of an early demise due to his lifestyle. Father George Schinas shared not long ago what the spiritual father of Billy Bo revealed to him about the salvation of this famous fashion designer before his untimely death. Below is a translation of the transcript of what he said:

Monday, March 4, 2024

Autobiography of Alexandros Papadiamantis

The short autobiography that the prose writer Alexandros Papadiamantis made for himself at the request of Giannis Vlachogiannis states the following:

I was born in Skiathos on March 4, 1851. I left the Greek School in 1863, but only in 1867 I was sent to the Halkidos High School, where I attended the 1st and 2nd years. The 3rd I studied in Piraeus, then I stopped my studies and stayed in my homeland. In July 1872, I went to the Holy Mountain for a pilgrimage, where I stayed for a few months. In 1873 I came to Athens and studied at Varvakeio for the 4th year. In 1874 I enrolled in the Philosophical School, where I took a few philological courses by choice, but I personally studied foreign languages.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Alexandros Papadiamantis Resource Page

Alexandros Papadiamantis (March 4, 1851- January 3, 1911)