Wednesday, January 18, 2023

"Saint Paisios - From Farasa to Heaven" (Links to the Nine Episodes of the First Season)

Some months ago I posted links to the nine episodes of the first season of the Greek television series Saint Paisios - From Farasa to Heaven. These online episodes were available temporarily and removed before Holy Week of last year when they were going to appear on television in Greece. Since then, a few Greek Facebook accounts have posted all nine episodes on their accounts. I don't know how long these will be available, so watch them as soon as you can. And yes, for now all these episodes are only in Greek, but in the links below, which includes links to each episode, there is included a summary of each episode in English, so you can follow basically what is going on.


Monday, January 9, 2023

A Poem by Patti Smith for Orthodox Christmas

An Instagram post by Patti Smith on the evening of January 7, 2023.